Admission fees
Preise gültig ab dem 26.03.2024
Normal price
Special price *
Normal price
8 €
Special price *
4 €
Adult groups
Normal price
7 €
Special price *
3,50 €
from 12 persons per person
Adult groups - short visit
Normal price
4 €
Special price *
2 €
within the framework of a guided tour per person
Annual ticket
Normal price
40 €
Special price *
40 €
for any visit to the exhibitions of the LÜBECKER MUSEEN with the exception of events. The annual ticket is transferable.
Prices for guided tours
The prices quoted do not include the entrance fee per person.
Group tours for adults
75 €
60 minutes
Group tours for adults
100 €
90 minutes
Public guided tour
4 €
per capita
Group tours for pupils
50 €
60 minutes